Member Registration Instructions
We have launched our new Acoaxet Club website and as a result, all members will need to register in order to access the members-only area. You will enter your (1) Acoaxet Member Number, (2) First Name and (3) Last Name as they appear on your account statement. In the case of Family Members, both spouses may register separately. To do so, each should have a unique email address on file with us.
Acoaxet Statement example: Mr. & Mrs. John Q. Public Jr. Member Number: 100
(1) Member Number:
Individual Members will use their Acoaxet Member Number (ex: 100).
Family Members: Gentlemen will use their Acoaxet Member Number (ex: 100). Spouses/Ladies will use their Member Number followed by an A (ex: 100A).
(2) First Name : John Q. (include middle initial followed by . if it appears on your statement). Spouses/Ladies will use their GIVEN FIRST NAME (& Middle Initial followed by . ).
**Spouses try with and without middle initial followed by .
(3) Last Name: Public Jr. (include Jr., III, etc. as it appears on your statement). Spouses/Ladies will use just their Last Name. (ex: Public)
For detailed instructions, please click here.
When you have completed all three fields, click Validate. You will be directed to the next page where you will choose a Username and set your Password. Please be sure to write down and save your Username and Password for future reference.